Hey there! This is TOP episode 152. Irregular Verbs Training

My name’s Ola and I am an English teacher. I teach online during 1:1 and group classes. I believe you can eliminate your language blockade. The secret word here is consistency. There are other secret words too. That is why I record this podcast’s episodes, and each comes with a little worksheet, a one-pager to help you digest and test what you’ve practised here. You can speak English more confidently, slay that fear and enjoy easy communication. 

Visit my website for full transcripts and worksheets to each episode. Visit my shop at teacherola.com and enjoy your journey to fluency! Happy learning!

Hello hello! Thank you for dropping by! Today we’re going to practice. It’s gonna be slightly different today since there’s no practical part at the end of the episode! Instead, we’re gonna have an intensive speaking training. How exciting! The topic of this class is Irregular Verbs. We are focusing on basic irregular verbs today. Listen, repeat and then repeat the sentences. Lots of you speaking out loud! 

Before we jump into our intensive irregular verbs training I have to tell you a few things. Firstly, group lessons. I’m teaching groups now! Let me know if you want to try! Classes are organised into packets of 13 classes that take place twice a week. Intensive English Speaking course! Conversations, communication, language blockade elimination. If you’re interested please send an email at contact@teacherola.com or dm me on Instagram. 

Secondly, top talks. Every Thursday at 11 am I go live just for a quick chat, 20 minutes or so to discuss some language-related tips. You’ll find me as teacherola.podcast. So join me on Thursday at 11:00 live on Instagram!  

Visit my shop, buy a Worksheet set, and have your Worksheets in one place. They’re editable. You can complete them on your smartphone.  Check out my e-book with episode transcripts.

Lastly, I am working on my Speak English With Tv Series course, a programme focused on one skill only, speaking. If you’re wondering whether such a course is right for you grab a checklist, the link is in the description. Thank’s for your patience and let’s get back to the episode.

Irregular verbs. Listen and repeat. One more thing, before we start. I grouped the verbs into some clusters so to speak. They resemble each other within the clusters. They have a kind of similar ring. They share the same pattern, ok? Well, this is logical to group the verbs into such categories as it simplifies learning. Listen and repeat. 

become – became – become

come – came – come

Example sentences:

I’ve become jealous for no reason. 

He came home late. 

The second group is not popular in the meaning we don’t like them and it’s because we don’t know how to pronounce the. It causes insecurity and avoidance. What we do in schools, is we learn the spelling because we want to pass the short irregular verbs tests. So we learn: sing, sang, sung, drink, drank, drunk, swim, swam, swum. Let’s learn how to pronounce these words properly. 

begin – began – begun

drink – drank – drunk 

sing – sang – sung 

ring  rang – rung 

swim – swam – swum 

Example sentences:

Have you ever swum in the Baltic Sea?

I’ve drunk two glasses of water today. 

She sang it beautifully!

I was having a shower when my phone rang.

Next, I have two lonely verbs, I didn’t put them into any of the categories. Just listen. And repeat!

see – saw – seen

show – showed – shown 

‘Show’ can be tricky, because the past simple looks like a regular verb, we add the -ed ending but past participle? Haha! It’s not that obvious, it must be: ‘shown’. Cheeky monkey. Sentences:

I saw you dancing in the crowded room. 

I showed him the way.

I could have shown you my collection of mugs. 

Next group of irregular verbs. Listen and repeat:

break – broke – broken 

choose – chose – chosen 

drive – drove – driven 

eat – ate – eaten 

fall – fell – fallen 

give – gave – given 

write – wrote – written 

wear – wore – worn 

wake – woke – woken 

Listen to these sentences: and repeat them out loud:

I woke up too late.

I’ve broken my favourite mug.

I chose to go on holiday by the sea. 

I haven’t eaten much today because it’s scorching hot. 

I fell in love with my life. 

You are crushing it! Let’s keep up the good work. Now, next verb cluster. Have a listen and be active, repeat out loud.

bring – brought – brought

buy – bought – bought

catch – caught – caught 

think – thought – thought 

teach – taught – taught 

fight – fought – fought

Sentences for practice. Listen and repeat:

I brought some corn for popping. 

I was caught in the middle. 

I thought it would be a better solution.

No one taught me that.

Awesome! Yet another group ahead of us. These are super tricky as they do not change the form. I noticed myself that when we know that past forms of the verbs differ from the infinitive, we want to show it, we want to show we know that! So we end up adding the -ed ending to the verb and we have: -soted, or – cuted, – puted. Such words do not exist. Listen and repeat:

cost – cost – cost 

cut – cut – cut 

hit – hit – hit

hurt – hurt – hurt 

put – put – put 

shut – shut – shut 

Now listen to those sentences and repeat out loud:

I’ve put a lot of effort into this project.

He hurt many people. 

Be careful, it cost a fortune! 

Oh, no, I’ve cut myself. 

You are doing great, let’s go on. Listen and repeat:

keep – kept – kept 

leave – left – left 

lend – lent – lent 

lose – lost – lost 

mean – meant – meant 

feel – felt – felt 

win – won – won 

find – found – found 

get – got – got or: in Amerian English: get – got – gotten 

hear – heard – heard

hold – held – held 

read – read- read 

tell – told – told 

The verbs we’ve just examined have something in common. They have the same past simple form and past participle form. Right? So, let’s repeat the sentences:

Have you heard the news?

I won a singing competition in primary school. 

I lost my point. 

I kept the secret. 

My dear friend! We’ve arrived to the last group o verbs! Yey! Listen and repeat:

draw – drew – drawn 

grow – grew – grown 

fly – flew – flown 

throw – threw – thrown

The last three sentences for practice:

Who drew the curtains?

I’ve grown out of it. 

Adam threw away his old gadgets.

Well done! Now, go to your inbox and get the worksheet to test yourself. Translate sentences into English. If you aren’t a member of TOPeople download the worksheet from teacherola.com/152.

If you find this episode useful, tell your friends about my podcast. Thank you so much for doing so! Think about it as of the energy movement. I prepare the episodes and in return, you spread the word. That’s a healthy energy exchange. Nothing comes free, right? The price for my podcast is sharing it with others. Thank you so much!

I’ll see you next Wednesday! We’ll be tackling some holiday vocabulary. Till then, happy learning. Take care! Stay fearless and say it out loud! Bye!