Hey there! This is TOP episode 183. 5 Mistakes You Make Learning English With TV Series

My name’s Ola and I’m an English teacher. I believe you can eliminate your language blockade. You can speak English with more confidence, slay that fear and enjoy easy communication. 

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Visit my website for full transcripts and worksheets to each episode. Visit my shop at teacherola.com and enjoy your journey to fluency! Happy learning!

Hello there! Thank you for pressing play and inviting me to spend some time with you. Today we’re talking about TV series because last Sunday there was another English Live Class during which we spoke, you spoke about the first episode of Modern Family. I have zero doubt about the advantages of this method of learning. Nevertheless, nothing comes naturally and everything can be improved. Today I picked a few things to keep in mind when learning with TV series. 

Before we jump in, please let me invite you to my shop at teacherola.com where you can get access to English Live Classes with the materials, with homework and audio files that will help you digest the vocabulary from ‘Wednesday’ by Netflix and ‘Modern Family’ on Disney+. Teacherola.com.

Also, join me on Thursday at 11:00 live on Instagram! Thursday at 11 am we have a short, 20 min class. Let’s meet for a quick coffee break. Thank’s for your patience and let’s get back to the episode.

5 Mistakes you make learning English with TV series. By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can make the most out of watching TV series to improve your English skills. We’re not going into details, I just wanna list them for you and encourage you to improve whatever you can. I think I’ll elaborate some more on those issues in near future, and now let’s begin:

One. Giving up after one or two episodes. That’s a big don’t. You have to follow through. Stick to the whole season or a given number of episodes. You know it, cause I say this all the time: consistency is the key. Language acquisition is a gradual process that requires regular practice and exposure to the language. It’s a complex process that takes time my friend. Have a listen to episode 129 to learn all about the 4 stages of learning, ok? It’s TOP 129: When Will I Speak English Fluently? 4 Stages Of Learning. Consistency builds your confidence and only by holding on for a month at least can give you enough exposure to a given method and then you’re able t say, ok, this didn’t work out, I’m gonna find something else. Then, look for something different, but first, stick to one series for a month. 

Two. Watching without subtitles. I hear many teachers and learners sayin that watching TV series without subtitles is the ultimate goal and the only way you should approach this method because if you don’t, you just end up reading the subtitles. Reading the subtitles is easier and the brain is not willing to make that effort and focus on the spoken language. Agreed. But! We’re learning English. Learning. You need to see the phrase you don’t know in order to learn it right? So I say, and I base my insight on years of practice with many many students. Watch without any subtitles first and then turn on English subtitles. This way you’ll improve your comprehension and vocabulary.

Three. Not practising speaking. Well, what can I add? You know me, I say this a lot: in order to speak English fluently you have to speak. That’s it. Speaking builds confidence, improves your pronunciation, and accustomes your facial muscles to new sounds It helps you to get used to how you sound in a foreign language and so it becomes less foreign. It dissolves that barrier. Only by practising speaking regularly, you can become a more confident and effective communicator in English.

Four. Not reviewing new vocabulary. Well, spaced repetition. Two words that summarise everything really. Go to episode 129: Remember What You Learn. Spaced Repetition. Revising is learning. Revising has to be well-planned and it has to be done. No doubt. Don’t move onward too fast. Go on but regularly go back, ok? 

Five. Choosing the wrong show. You have to think about your expectations and goals. Think about it. If you want to learn everyday casual communication don’t go for the Bridgertons or Game of Thrones, right? It’s important to keep in mind that not all TV shows are created equal when it comes to language learning. Some TV shows may use very colloquial language, slang, or even made-up words that are not used in everyday conversation. Tune in to episode 133 which lists the best tv shows that will help you learn everyday English.

Let’s practice now. Listen and repeat out loud:

You have to follow through.

No doubt. 

Don’t move onward too fast. 

Consistency builds your confidence.

You have to think about your expectations and goals.

Some TV shows may use very colloquial language.

This way you’ll improve your comprehension and vocabulary.

Speaking builds confidence and improves your pronunciation.

Reading the subtitles is easier and the brain is not willing to make that effort and focus on the spoken language.

Only by practising speaking regularly, you can become a more confident and effective communicator in English.

Well done. Now let’s list all 5 mistakes to recap today’s episode:

One. Giving up after one or two episodes.

Two. Watching without subtitles.

Three. Not practising speaking. 

Four. Not reviewing new vocabulary.

Five. Choosing the wrong show. 

Well done! Now, go to your inbox and get the worksheet to test yourself. Translate the sentences into English. If you aren’t a member of TOPeople download the worksheet from teacherola.com/183. 

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