Hey there! This is TOP episode 274. HEALTH: 7 Phrasal Verbs

Are you tired of lacking confidence when speaking English? Does it block you from achieving your true goals? This podcast is the place for you. This is Teacher Ola Podcast. My name’s Ola Mierniczak and I empower English learners to become confident speakers. The key to fluency is in your pocket. You’ll boost your vocabulary, brush up your grammar and improve your pronunciation. Enjoy your journey to fluency! 

Hey there, and welcome back to the podcast! Today, we’re doing something super useful—phrasal verbs, but not just any phrasal verbs. We’re talking about ones that are all about health! 

They might sound tricky at first, but don’t worry—I’ll break them down in a way that makes them easy to understand and use.

By the end of this episode, you’ll know exactly what it means to ‘come down with’ something, ‘fight off’ a cold, or ‘pass out’ from too much sun. Plus, I’ll throw in simple examples you can repeat out loud to practice.

Before we begin, let me remind you that on 19th of January  I’m hosting a free English class for you. This class is a vocabulary lesson, the topic is HEALTH and you’ll learn lots of phrases connected to healthy lifestyle, doctor’s appointments, symptoms, emergency situations. 

To sign up for this free class you need to go to teacherola.com/webinar. You can also click the link in the description. The class takes place on the 19 January, it’s Sunday at 8 pm. If you can’t join me, sign up anyway because I’ll send you a replay!

So, let’s get started with these super practical health-related phrasal verbs. Let’s go!

One. Come down with

You use this when you feel like you’re starting to get sick. Maybe you’re feeling tired, your throat is a little scratchy, or you’ve got a bit of a headache—it’s like your body is warning you.

I think I’m coming down with a cold.

Two. Get through

This is all about making it through a tough time, like being sick or dealing with something hard. It’s when you keep going even though it’s not easy.

She got through the flu last week.

Three. Break out in (a rash)

This happens when your skin suddenly reacts to something—maybe an allergy or stress—and you get red spots, bumps, or a rash out of nowhere. It’s not fun and can feel super itchy!

I broke out in a rash after trying that new cream.

Four. Fight off

When your body is working hard to stop an illness from taking over. It’s like your immune system is in battle mode, fighting to keep you healthy.
He’s drinking tea to fight off a cold.

Five. Pass out.

This is when you faint or lose consciousness for a bit—usually because you’re too hot, haven’t eaten, or maybe you’re just super tired. It’s like your body says, “Nope, I’m done!”

She passed out because it was so hot.

Six. Throw up

A polite way to say “vomit.” This happens when your stomach decides it doesn’t like what’s in it, and it all comes back up.
He threw up after the car ride.

Seven. Flare up. 

This is when a health issue you already have suddenly gets worse. It might be an old injury or something like allergies or asthma that just comes back stronger.
His eczema flared up yesterday.

Here you have it! 7 Health phrasal verbs. Time to practice speaking, listen and repeat:

I think I’m coming down with a cold.

She got through the flu last week.

I broke out in a rash after trying that new cream.
He’s drinking tea to fight off a cold.

She passed out because it was so hot.
He threw up after the car ride.
His eczema flared up yesterday.

Don’t forget to download a free worksheet that will summarise and help you memorise today’s episode. You’ll find it in your inbox or if you’re new here please go to teacherola.com/273

I’m sure you found this episode useful and I hope you enjoyed learning with me. Don’t forget, my free English class is happening very soon—on Sunday the 19th of January. We’ll dive into all things HEALTH. If you haven’t signed up yet, go to teacherola.com/webinar or simply click the link in the description or show notes. It’s completely free, so don’t miss that!

Thank you so much for listening. I’ll see you in the next episode!

I believe in you, I know you can speak English with fluency IF you really want it! Stay fearless, take care and say it out loud! I’m your teacher, Teacher Ola, and you were listening to Teacher Ola Podcast. Bye for now.