Hey there! This is TOP episode 262. Small Talk Idioms – Audiotraining

Are you tired of lacking confidence when speaking English? Does it block you from achieving your true goals? This podcast is the place for you. This is Teacher Ola Podcast. My name’s Ola Mierniczak and I empower English learners to become confident speakers. The key to fluency is in your pocket. You’ll boost your vocabulary, brush up your grammar and improve your pronunciation. Enjoy your journey to fluency! 

Hello and welcome! Thanks for stopping by! I had so much fun last Sunday and Monday evening during our live classes! We talked about organising your learning journey. We talked about consistency and everything that really matters when you want to start learning English AND reach your goal. On the second day, on Monday we had workshops, we practised pronunciation and made correct English sentences + I showed you how to approach revisions. Ok? So revising vocabulary is NOT reading notes you made the last time you learned. That’s a big no! 

If you couldn’t join us or if you didn’t know I was hosting that event please go to teacherolahttp://teacherola.com/webinar and watch a replay. Yes, I have recorded the whole thing and you can watch it now. It’s only available till Wednesday the second of October 2024. Do not miss it! I’m begging you, you NEED that knowledge. No matter what courses, books, ebooks, teacher you have you need that mindset shift I shared in those two live training sessions. Both are extremely important. Go and watch! Teacherola.com/webinar

Small Talk Idioms. I picked 10 idioms for you today. I want to give you a taste, a tiny piece of the SIOL course. The SIOL course is a massive tool for learning English and it’s so much more than Audiotraining. There’s grammar, pronunciation, foundations, and cherry on top: Speaking Club! The place to speak English wito zero stress and so much fun! 

Listen carefully to today’s small talk episode, and if you feel this SIOL course is calling you go and check our enrollment page, the links are in the description, but it’s easy to remember. siol.pl. Go and read the testimonials, look at the agenda of the course and make a decision. IYou can enrol now! The doors are open till Wednesday. Get on board, improve your English and go for your big dreams and goals. I know you need English to achieve them, don’t you?

Listen, translate into Polish, listen again and repeat. That’s how we do it inside the course. Get access to the whole programme: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, foundations, Speaking Club. Test SIOL for 15 days and if you don’t like it – let me know and I’ll give you your money back! And guess what: you can split the payment into instalments! Ok, ok, time to practise English idioms. Let’s go!


1. Kopę lat.        

Long time no see.

2. Przełamać lody.     

Break the ice. 

3. Dawaj ploty.       

Spill the tea. 

4. Skontaktuję się.   

I’ll touch base.

5. Jak narazie jest dobrze.  

So far, so good

6. To mi umknęło z głowy.      

It slipped my mind.

7. Mieć to co najlepsze z tych dwóch sytuacji.          

Have the best of both worlds.

8. Do wzięcia.       

Up for grabs.

9. Mieć takie samo zdanie.         

To be on the same page

10. Zamieniam się w słuch.         

I’m all ears.

That’s it! That’s what Audiotraining looks like, inside the SIOL course you have 1,5 thousand such sentences divided into categories and organised into a 12-week plan. But yeah! That’s what it looks like, what it feels like to practise making the sentences.  Learn smart! Revise vocabulary in context, always, always in context! 

Don’t forget the Worksheet. Download it from teacherola.com/262 or check your inbox, if you’ve subscribed to my newsletter you have the Worksheet in your inbox. 

I cannot wait to see you inside SIOL! Make a decision and take the first step towards your confidence in speaking English. If you have any questions write an email, I’m waiting at contact@teacherola.com. Go to siol.pl and read my student’s opinions and check out the agenda of the course.  

And if you want to learn about learning process get access to that live event I spoke about at the beginning. Teacherola/com/webinar. Watch it if it’s still possible, on the 2 October I’m removing those two training from public view. Enjoy, make notes and above all – implement. 

I love you , I believe in you, I know you can speak English with fluency IF you really want it! Stay fearless, take care and say it out loud! I’m your teacher, Teacher Ola, and you were listening to Teacher Ola Podcast. Bye for now.