Hey there! This is TOP episode 254. Travel Phrasal Verbs – Audiotraining

Are you tired of lacking confidence when speaking English? Does it block you from achieving your true goals? This podcast is the place for you. This is Teacher Ola Podcast. My name’s Ola Mierniczak and I empower English learners to become confident speakers. The key to fluency is in your pocket. You’ll boost your vocabulary, brush up your grammar and improve your pronunciation. Enjoy your journey to fluency! 

Hello and welcome! Thank you for showing up! I’m absolutely thrilled because very very soon, on the 31 July this Wednesday and 1 August this Thursday we are going to meet! I’m hosting a very important webinar. This two-day event is free and I warmly invite you to come. I think you should join us because you’re going to learn how to speak English fluently, with ease. I’m about to change the way you think about grammar. Present Perfect Masterclass. Sing up, tell your friends, go to teacherola.com/webinar. Who will benefit from the Masterclass? People who have been learning tenses forever and still don’t feel confident using them. People who know nothing about present perfect. People who want to speak English fluently. Automatically choose tenses without analysing anything! Teacherola.com/webinar. This Wednesday and Thursday. See you there! I’m thrilled! And now… today’s topic. 

Travel Phrasal verbs. I picked 15 phrasal verbs for you today. I want to give you a taste, a tiny little morsel of how we do it inside the SIOL course. The SIOL course is a massive tool for learning English and it’s so much more than Audiotraining. There’s grammar, pronunciation, foundations, yet! Vocabulary binds the whole course together. Organises it and sets the tone so to speak. So! I decided to let you in on Audiotraining. Listen carefully to today’s travel episode, and if you feel like: well this SIOL course is calling you, you feel I should look into it, go and check our enrollment page, the links are in the description, but it’s easy to remember. siol.pl. Go and read the testimonials, look at the agenda of the course and make a decision. The course is not open just yet, I will open the course for everybody who is interested – on Wednesday during Present Perfect Masterclass. I’ll also show you what the course looks like inside. 

Time to do some work! Listen, translate into Polish, listen again and repeat. That’s different from what we normally do but that is the method we use inside the course. Very very soon you will be able to join us and  have access to the whole thing. SIOL is SO much more than the Audiotraining, it’s just a fraction of what you have access to as a member. But! Let’s do it! I’m leaving you with Travel Phrasal Verbs Audiotraining, enjoy! I’ll talk to you when the Audiotraining ends. 

Phrasal Verbs:

  1. Jedyne, czego teraz potrzebuję, to wyjechać na weekend.
    All I need right now is to get away for the weekend.  
  2. Będziemy musieli wyruszyć o świcie.
    We will have to set off at the crack of the dawn.      
  3. Adam podrzucił mnie na lotnisko bardzo wcześnie.
    Adam dropped me off at the airport bright and early.  
  4. Możesz odebrać mnie ze stacji?
    Can you pick me up at the station?         
  5. Tak mi przykro, że nie będę mógł cię jutro odprowadzić.
    I’m so sorry I won’t be able to see you off tomorrow.         
  6. Wsiedliśmy do samolotu na czas.
    We got on our plane on time.      
  7. Samolot miał wystartować o 6 rano.
    The plane was to take off at 6 am.    
  8. Czy możesz mi powiedzieć, gdzie powinnam wysiąść z autobusu?
    Could you tell me where I should get off the bus?   
  9. Czy możesz mnie oprowadzić?
    Can you show me around?          
  10. Postanowiłem zatrzymać się w Mediolanie na jeden dzień w drodze do Maroka.
    I decided to stop over in Milan for a day on the way to Morocco.
  11. Po zameldowaniu się w hotelu chcieliśmy rozejrzeć się po okolicy.
    After we checked in to our hotel we wanted to look around the local area.
  12. Niestety zostaliśmy zatrzymani na odprawie celnej, ponieważ mój paszport stracił
    Unfortunately we were held up at customs because my passport had expired.
  13. Natknęłam się na uroczą małą kawiarnię, w której mieli najlepszą kawę, jaką
          kiedykolwiek piłam.
    I came across a quaint little cafe that had the best coffee I’ve ever tasted. 
  14. Wsiadaj do samochodu, spóźnimy się.
    Get in
    a car, we’ll be late.       
  15. Naprawdę nie mogę się doczekać odwiedzenia nowych miejsc.
    I am really looking forward to visiting new places.

That’s it! That’s what Audiotraining looks like, inside the SIOL course you have many many more. But yeah! That’s what it looks like, what it feels like to practise making the sentences.  Learn smart! Revise vocabulary in context, always, always in context! 

Don’t forget the Worksheet. Download it from teacherola.com/254 or check your inbox, if you’ve subscribed to my newsletter you have the Worksheet in your inbox. 

I cannot wait to see you on Wednesday and Thursday at 8 pm at the webinar! Present Perfect Masterclass! I love our meetings, we do them once every couple of months, so not very often but I really really appreciate them. I’m grateful you are here and you want to make your English better. And in the end meet your goals, your dreams. Once again! Go to teacherola.com/webinar. It costs nothing. 31 July and the first of August. 

I’ll be back next week with another episode. Until then … Stay fearless, take care and say it out loud! I’m your teacher, Teacher Ola, and you were listening to Teacher Ola Podcast. Bye for now.