Hey there! This is TOP episode 237. 10 Phrasal Verbs: My Daily Life – Audiotraining

Are you tired of lacking confidence when speaking English? Does it block you from achieving your true goals? This podcast is the place for you. This is Teacher Ola Podcast. My name’s Ola Mierniczak, I’m a teacher empowering English learners to become confident speakers. The key to fluency is in your pocket. Join my TOPeople newsletter for weekly motivation and free materials. Enjoy your journey to fluency! 

Hey there! Thank you for joining me today! I have something very special for you today. It’s a short fragment of one of the Audiotrainings that in turn is one of the elements of SIOL course. SIOL means Say It Out Loud and you know I say these 4 words all the time. In every episode of my podcast. Say It Out Loud. It’s the essence of learning languages – speaking. Saying things out loud! 

Now the doors to SIOL course are open for enrollment. It means you can join SIOLers and start learning English like a pro! I give you everything you need to achieve your goal. A 12-week solid plan, all the materials pdfs, audiotrainings, video lessons, transcripts PLUS an opportunity to speak. A crucial part of the course is Speaking Club where you put into practice everything you’ve learned. In this Club you tak with other SIOLers in pairs that we change every ten minutes or so. I am there with you, listen to you, answer your questions. 

We have 55 happy SIOLers on board and it’s the time to start another group. Is it for you? Go to siol.pl and take a look. This is an enrollment page where you can join us. This program is gold. Once you buy the acces you have it forever. 

I poured all my experience, heart, knowledge. I really really want you to start speaking English, to brush up your grammar, improve your pronunciation and boost your vocabulary. Skyrocket your speaking skills. Go to siol.pl and let’s finally improve your English! 

So now, having said that, I want to give you a taste of SIOL. Audiotraining is an important tool we use inside the course to refresh, activate and boost your vocabulary. In the course we also work on your grammar, pronunciation, mindset and above all, speaking. But today I picked Audiotraining because many SIOLers tell me that they work with tis tool everyday and it’s effective. You can play it in the car, on the walk, anywhere you have a moment to listen and repeat the sentences. 

So! We’re waiting for new SIOLers to join a new group until Wednesday 27 march 2024 until 10 pm. Please don;t be late, please don’t wait until the last moment, get on board! Ah, And I almost forgot. You risk nothing. You can test the whole thing for 15 days. Let me say it again, because this is important. You can join us, see all the materials, co to the Speaking Club and if you decide it’s not your kind of thig you can give it back. Just one email. I don;t even ask why. I send the money back, and that’s it! Why not try? This is not a typical language course. This is a huuuge project and you can be a part of it now. Everything in one place: vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, Speaking Club, Extra Classes once a month, closed group for SIOLers, my guidance, access for ever. So, what it means is that if I add another bonus, a new module or anything really – you have access to it always. You can sign up only until 27 March 10 pm. Don’t miss is. Go to siol.pl.

And now, 15 Phrasal verbs from the module I titled: My daily Life. Audiotraining. Here we go. Listen, translate, listen and repeat. Let’s go! 

Phrasal Verbs:

  1. Nie założyłem płaszcza i przeziębiłem się.

I didn’t put on my coat, and I caught a cold.

  1. Zapomniała zdjąć buty przed wejściem do pokoju.

She forgot to take off her shoes before entering the room.

  1. Przypadkowo wyłączył alarm, przez co spóźnił się do pracy.

He accidentally switched off the alarm, making him late for work.

  1. Nie odłożyliśmy na miejsce zakupów i się zepsuły.

We didn’t put away the groceries, and they spoiled.

  1. Skończyło im się mleko i nie mogli wypić porannej kawy.

They ran out of milk and couldn’t have their morning coffee.

  1. Pomimo wyzwań, udało nam się poradzić sobie z napiętym budżetem.

Despite the challenges, we managed to get by on a tight budget.

  1. Wykonała świetną robotę, wychowując swoje dzieci.

She did an excellent job bringing up her children.

  1. Ważne jest, aby nie patrzeć na ludzi z góry na podstawie ich pochodzenia.

It’s important not to look down on people based on their background.

  1. Jego negatywne nastawienie zniechęciło mnie do pomysłu pracy tam.

His negative attitude turned me off from the idea of working there.

  1. Jej uśmiech i życzliwość zawsze przyciągają ludzi do jej przyjaznej natury.

Her smile and kindness always turn people on to her friendly nature.

  1. Czy odłożyłeś telefon zanim zakończyła się rozmowa?

Did you hang up the phone before the call ended?

  1. Czy przymierzyłaś tę sukienkę przed zakupem?

Have you tried on that dress before buying it?

  1. Czy udało ci się pogodzić z przyjacielem po kłótni?

Did you manage to make up with your friend after the argument?

  1. Czy kiedykolwiek pokłóciłeś się z bliskim członkiem rodziny?

Have you ever fallen out with a close family member?

  1. Jak się czułaś po tym jak zerwałaś ze swoim wieloletnim partnerem?

How did you feel after you broke up with your long-term partner?

Good job! Now, don’t forget to complete the Worksheet for this episode. It’s available at teacherola.com/237.

I hope you liked it! You can have access to all 12 Audiotrainings. All together, there’s more than 1500 words to learn. Plus so much more. Grammar, Pronunciation, Learning tips, bonuses, Anki app flash  cards. Buy it, test it! If you don’t like it just let me know I’ll send the money back. 

Whether you join us till Wednesday or not I’ll be back soon. Stay fearless, say it out loud and take care! I’m your teacher, Teacher Ola, and you were listening to Teacher Ola Podcast. Bye for now!