Hey there! This is TOP episode 211. The Biggest Lie About Learning English That You Probably Believe, Too

I’m Ola, an English teacher with over a decade of teaching under my belt. I firmly believe that unlocking fluency is within your reach. In fact, the key to fluency is in your pocket. Imagine confidently speaking English, conquering your fears, and embracing effective communication.

To support you on your journey, I invite you to explore my website, where you’ll find transcripts and helpful worksheets for each episode. Just head over to teacherola.com and browse through my shop.

I’m here to guide you every step of the way. Let’s make speaking English enjoyable and fulfilling! Enjoy your journey to fluency! Happy learning!

Welcome back to another episode of Teacher Ola Podcast. Today, we’ve got a juicy topic to dive into. But first, remember to hit that subscribe button so you never miss an episode. Alright, let’s get started! 

Have you ever felt that you need a tutor for your 1:1 classes because this is the only way to improve your speaking? I know that’s a question that plagues many of us when we’re on our language-learning journey. Today, I want to tackle this misconception head-on and share some insights that might just blow your mind.

Don’t get me wrong! Let’s acknowledge that 1:1 classes can be fantastic for some learners. They offer personalized attention, focused practice, and tailored feedback. 1:1 classes are something I do for a living and I strongly believe that in many many situations, it is the best solution. Today we don’t talk about such cases, today we focus on why 1:1 classes are not always the best choice. So here you have it, the biggest lie about learning English is that it is done best when it happens through individual lessons. That’s a complete BS. 

 Language fluency, especially in speaking, isn’t just about the quantity of instructions; it’s about the quality of practice and exposure. And this is where group classes come into play. In this episode, I’m going to give you 5 reasons why you need to join a group. 

Before we go on. Don’t forget to join my TOPeople newsletter. Please go to teacherola.com/newsletter. I promise I’ll push you to speak English, I’ll check up on you every Wednesday, and I’ll ut your motivation to a test. Get access to these Wednesday lessons. Teacherola.com/newsletter. Ok! Back to the episode!

Here are 5 reasons why you need to join a speaking group because speaking in a group is the fastest way to achieve fluency.

1. Diverse conversational partners:

Think about the magic of diversity in group classes. When you’re surrounded by a mix of language learners, each with their own unique accents, backgrounds, and experiences, you’re actually setting yourself up for success. 

In a group class, you have the opportunity to interact with a diverse range of individuals. As a result, you are exposed to various accents, vocabulary, and communication styles. This exposure is incredibly valuable for improving fluency because it simulates real-world situations. 

2. Real-life interaction:

Group classes often replicate real-life communication scenarios. Real small talks for a starter. You engage in spontaneous conversations, just like you would in everyday situations. This is crucial for fluency development because it helps you think on your feet and respond quickly and appropriately. You learn to navigate various conversational topics and can practice everyday speech. This practical experience is invaluable for becoming a fluent speaker who can confidently communicate in a variety of situations. Instead of one situation, the lesson with your one tutor. 

3. Peer support and motivation:

Now, let’s talk about peer support and motivation. In a group, you’re not alone on your journey. You’re part of a community, a tribe of learners who share your struggles and your wins. That peer support, will boost your confidence and keep you motivated like nothing else. You get the feeling that you are needed. You help others speak English and they help you back.  Showing up on a regular basis makes you a valuable member of the group. They count on you. And you count on them. If you don’t do your homework for your 1:1 class it’s fine, your teacher knows what to do. You let down yourself only. But in a group, if you come unprepared, you disappoint the whole group. That feeling of not wanting to let others down will push you to do your best. 

This supportive learning environment where you can motivate and encourage each other, that’s priceless. When you see your peers making progress or overcoming language challenges, it can be highly motivating. This peer support not only boosts your confidence but also creates a sense of community and we know beyond any doubt, that it improves learning experience massively.

4. Varied speaking styles:

And here’s the kicker,  varied speaking styles. In a group setting, you’re exposed to different types of conversations. A debate, chit-chat, small talk, presentation, giving opinions, asking for opinions, expressing agreement and disagreement. This variety helps you become a well-rounded communicator, ready to tackle any situation life throws at you. Everything depends on the moderator, and what topics are introduced, but you will probably discuss both formal and informal situations. And everything in between. 

5. Listening Skills:

Last but not least, let’s not forget about listening skills. Effective communication isn’t just about talking; it’s about understanding others. In group classes, you get to sharpen your listening skills by tuning into different accents and speech patterns from your classmates. That’s something that’s hard to replicate in a 1:1 setting.

Effective communication isn’t just about speaking; it also involves active listening. In a group class, you have the opportunity to practice your listening skills extensively. You may encounter different accents, dialects, and speech patterns among your classmates. This exposure improves your listening skills, making you better at understanding spoken English in various real-world situations. It boosts your fluency because comprehension is an integral part of any conversation, and being able to understand others is essential for effective communication.

Before we move on to the practical part. Please remember this. As always, the trick is to pick the approach that suits your way of learning and your goals the best. Whether you go for one-on-one sessions or group classes, just remember that sticking to a consistent practice routine, staying curious, and being open to making mistakes are your best buddies on the journey to fluency.


I know that’s a question that plagues many of us.

I want to tackle this misconception head-on.

And this is where group classes come into play. 

Think about the magic of diversity in group classes. 

This is crucial for fluency development .

It helps you think on your feet.

In a group, you’re not alone on your journey. 

You get the feeling that you are needed. 

They count on you. 

But in a group, if you come unprepared, you disappoint the whole group. 

That’s priceless.

So, there you have it! The idea that 1:1 classes are the only way to improve your speaking is a bit of a myth. Group classes offer a rich, diverse, and dynamic learning experience that can supercharge your language skills in many ways.

Now. Check out the Worksheet which is in your inbox. If you aren’t a member of TOPeople download the worksheet from teacherola.com/211.  I’ll be back next week. As always, keep practising and speaking English every day.  Also, join my newsletter! It’s at teacherola.com/newsletter. 

Thank you for listening! I’ll see you next Wednesday! Happy learning. Take care! Stay fearless and say it out loud! Bye!