Hey there! This is TOP episode 208. Boost Your English Fluency: 20 Essential Phrases

I’m Ola, an English teacher with over a decade of teaching under my belt. I firmly believe that unlocking fluency is within your reach. In fact, the key to fluency is in your pocket. Empowering English learners to become confident speakers is my mission. To support you on the journey, I invite you to explore my website, where you’ll find transcripts and helpful worksheets for each episode. Just head over to teacherola.com and browse through my shop.  Enjoy your journey to fluency! Happy learning!

Hello there! Thank you for being here! English prepositional verbs.  It’s a very important area of English for fluency and accuracy. I used to hate them when I was a young learner but you know, with experience, I’ve started to look at this topic differently. Now I recognize the importance of these patterns and the incredible value they bring when it comes to fluency.  Today we’ll practice a lot. I’ll give you 20 essential phrases and two examples of each. Repeat them out loud as we go. Ok? In the practical part we’ll repeat half of them once again but today I want you to really focus and engage fully. No multitasking. Ok? 

But first. I still need your help. I want to create a brand new online course, a 12-week programme that will transform your perception of English. Mainly speaking English. It’ll show you the path to fluency. I would like you to go to teacherola.com/newsletter, join my newsletter and complete a survey that will immensely help me create a perfect course.  Please go to teacherola.com/newsletter and become a member of TOPeople. I promise I’ll push you to speak English, I’ll check up on you every Wednesday, I’ll test your motivation. What can you get besides weekly speaking exercises? Well, I kindly invite you to a free online consultation 1:1 with me. Wow! I cannot wait to get in touch with you! Go to Teacherola.com/newsletter, sign up, get on board and then we’ll set up our meeting. Ok! Back to the episode! 

20 essential phrases that will boost your English fluency: 

One. Listen to –  to pay attention to and hear something.

Listen and repeat:

Listen to your favorite songs to relax.

She listens to the radio every morning.

Two. Believe in – to have faith in the existence or truth of something.

Repeat these examples:

I believe in hard work for success.

They believe in the power of teamwork.

Three. Depend on – to rely on or trust in someone or something.

For instance:

I depend on my phone for communication.

She depends on her family for support.

Four. Look at – to direct your gaze towards something.

For example:

Look at the beautiful sunset.

He looked at the map to find directions.

Five. Apologize to – to say sorry to someone for something you’ve done.

Repeat out loud:

I apologized to my friend for being late.

She apologized to her daughter for the mistake.

Six. Agree with – to have the same opinion as someone else.

I agree with you on that decision.

They agreed with the new rule in school.

Seven. Deal with – to handle or take action in a situation.

She can deal with challenges effectively.

He dealt with the problem calmly.

Eight. Thank for –  to express gratitude to someone for something.


Thank you for your help with the project.

They thanked their parents for the gift.

Nine. Suffer from – to experience pain, illness, or difficulty.

For instance: 

She suffers from allergies during spring.

He suffers from headaches occasionally.

Ten. Smell of – to have a particular scent or odor.

The kitchen always smells of freshly baked cookies.

The garden smells of blooming flowers.

Eleven. Laugh at – to react to something funny by making a sound.

Like in:

We all laughed at the comedian’s jokes.

She laughed at the amusing cartoon.

Twelve. Think about – to consider or reflect on something.

Say it out loud:

I need time to think about your proposal.

He’s thinking about his upcoming vacation.

Thirteen. Forget about – to fail to remember or neglect something.

I forgot about the meeting this morning.

Don’t forget about your keys on the table.

Fourteen. Rely on – to depend on or trust someone or something.

I rely on my alarm clock to wake up.

She relies on her friends for advice.

Fifteen. Run into – to encounter unexpectedly or by chance.

I ran into my old friend at the mall.

They ran into traffic on their way home.

Sixteen. Get along with – to have a harmonious relationship with someone.

Repeat after me:

She gets along with her coworkers very well.

They get along with their neighbors.

Seventeen. Take care of – to look after or provide for someone or something.

She takes care of her younger siblings.

He takes care of his pet dog.

Eighteen. Look after – to care for or watch over someone or something.

Repeat the sentences:

She looks after her grandmother every weekend.

They look after the plants in the garden.

Nineteen. Care about – to have concern or interest in someone’s well-being.

I care about the environment and recycling.

He cares about his friends’ happiness.

Twenty. Run out of – to exhaust the supply of something.

Say these sentences out loud:

We ran out of milk, so I’ll buy more.

They ran out of time to finish the project.

Twenty phrases you need to know to speak with confidence. Now, let’s let’s recap top ten sentences, top ten phrases I see most students struggle with. They seem easy when you just here them but that’s why there’s the Worksheet. If you’ve subscribed to my newsletter you already have it in your inbox. If you don’t download it from teacherola.com/208. 10 sentences for repeating out loud: 

She depends on her family for support.

Look at the beautiful sunset.

I apologized to my friend for being late.

I agree with you on that decision.

She can deal with challenges effectively.

He suffers from headaches occasionally.

I forgot about the meeting this morning.

I rely on my alarm clock to wake up.

I ran into my old friend at the mall.

They ran out of time to finish the project.

Remember, if you want to make these phrases stick, check out the Worksheet which is in your inbox. If you aren’t a member of TOPeople download the worksheet from teacherola.com/208.  I’ll be back next. As always, keep practicing and speaking English daily.  Also, join my newsletter! Every Wednesday I’ll send an email that’ll remind you to practice speaking, it will give you a practical speaking exercise and of course, the new podcast episode with a Worksheet. It’s at teacherola.com/newsletter. 

Thank you for listening! I’ll see you next Wednesday! Happy learning. Take care! Stay fearless and say it out loud! Bye!