Hey there! This is TOP episode 204. Learn English with Taylor Swift ‘Cruel Summer’

I’m Ola, an English teacher with over a decade of teaching under my belt. I firmly believe that unlocking fluency is within your reach. In fact, the key to fluency is in your pocket. Imagine confidently speaking English, conquering your fears, and embracing effective communication.

To support you on your journey, I invite you to explore my website, where you’ll find transcripts and helpful worksheets for each episode. Just head over to teacherola.com and browse through my shop.

I’m here to guide you every step of the way. Let’s make speaking English enjoyable and fulfilling! Enjoy your journey to fluency! Happy learning!

Hello there! Thanks for tapping play! It’s going to be a Taylor Switf’s song, I pickled ‘Cruel Summer’ because that’s the season and it fits, right? Listen to the song and let’s analyze 10 expressions from this song.

But first. I need your help. I want to create a brand new online course that’ll teach you how to become a confident speaker of English. I would like you to go to teacherola.com/newsletter, join my newsletter and  complete a survey that will immensely help me create a perfect course.  Please go to teacherola.com/newsletter and become a member of TOPeople. Every week I’ll send one email with a speaking task that will push you to speak English. Please join us, get access to these Wednesday speaking lessons and complete the survey, thank you!! Once again, it’s teacherola.com/newsletter.

Let’s get back to the episode. 10 expressions from ‘Cruel Summer’ by Taylor Swift.

One. Fever. A state of high body temperature often associated with illness or infection. There might be a high fever, you can be running a fever and you can be feverish. An example sentence:

Sarah couldn’t go to work because she had a high fever and needed to rest.

Two. Angels roll their eyes. If you roll your eyes, it expresses disbelief, annoyance, or scepticism in a subtle or non-verbal way. Not always subtle, but, it depends. Listen to this sentence:

When John told his friends about his extravagant plans, they rolled their eyes.

Three. Hang your head low. This gesture shows shame, sadness, or defeat. An example:

After losing the championship match, the defeated player hung his head low, feeling disheartened.

Four. Trying times. These are periods of difficulty, challenge, or hardship. Difficult times, challenging times, trying times.

During the economic recession, many families faced trying times, struggling to make ends meet.

Five. Cut to the bone. It means to reduce something to its essential or bare minimum, leaving out unnecessary details or elements.

The company’s expenses had been cut to the bone.

Six. You’ll be the last to know. To emphasize that someone will be the last person informed about something, often used to indicate that they are out of touch or not kept up to date.

If there are any changes to the schedule, the team leader will ensure everyone is informed, and you’ll be the last to know.

Seven. I cried like a baby. To cry uncontrollably or intensely, often like a young child.

When her favourite character died in the movie, Mary cried like a baby.

Eight. I don’t wanna keep secrets. To keep secrets, to not tell anyone else information that is meant to be hidden from other people.

In a healthy relationship, it’s important to build trust and communicate openly, so I don’t wanna keep secrets from you.

Nine. To seal my fate. To do something that determines or finalizes the outcome of a situation, often with significant consequences.

By dropping out of school, he unknowingly sealed his fate and struggled to find stable employment.

Ten. He looks up grinning like a devil. To grin like a devil, to smile in a mischievous way. You might hear another expression: a devilish smile. An example sentence:

When he saw what happened, he looked up, grinning like a devil, revealing his involvement.

Let’s practice, this is the most important part of the episode! You know what to do, listen and repeat out loud:

Sarah couldn’t go to work because she had a high fever and needed to rest.

When John told his friends about his extravagant plans, they rolled their eyes.

After losing the championship match, the defeated player hung his head low, feeling disheartened.

During the economic recession, many families faced trying times, struggling to make ends meet.

The company’s expenses had been cut to the bone.

If there are any changes to the schedule, the team leader will ensure everyone is informed, and you’ll be the last to know.

When her favourite character died in the movie, Mary cried like a baby.

In a healthy relationship, it’s important to build trust and communicate openly, so I don’t wanna keep secrets from you.

By dropping out of school, he unknowingly sealed his fate and struggled to find stable employment.

When he saw what happened, he looked up, grinning like a devil, revealing his involvement.

Here you have it! Ten expressions from ‘Cruel Summer’ by Taylor Swift that you should know. Now, download the Worksheet and practice some more, it’s in your inbox. If you aren’t a member of TOPeople download the worksheet from teacherola.com/204.

Thank you for listening! I’ll see you next Wednesday! Happy learning. Take care! Stay fearless and say it out loud! Bye!