Hey there! This is TOP episode 199. So as to

My name’s Ola and I’ve been teaching English for over a decade. I believe you can eliminate your language blockade, I’ve done that so you can too! You can speak English with more confidence, slay that fear and enjoy communication. 

Visit my website for full transcripts and worksheets to each episode. Visit my shop at teacherola.com and enjoy your journey to fluency! Happy learning!

Hello there! Thank you for pressing play! Today it’s going to be all about one phrase. So as to, so as not to. It’s a conjunction and it connects clauses in a sentence. So it makes your sentences longer, more advanced and simply, more interesting. 

Before we jump into the contents of this episode let me tell you, if you think you might wanna try group classes so as to boost your speaking skills, I’ve got your back. Go to teacherola.com/activator, download the document with speaking tasks and do them. See how my groups prepare for the conversation classes.  

‘So as to’ is used to express purpose or reason. Our goal. We use this phrase to connect two parts of our longer sentence. It makes us sound more confident and more advanced. That’s why I’ve decided to go for it today and show you a few examples of how to use it and the opposite, that is: ‘so as not to’. Please pay attention to the position of “not” in the structure. “not” comes before “to”. “So as to” can go at the very beginning of the phrase, don’t be afraid to use it this way. These are examples:

So as to solve the problem, I have to understand the question.

So as to have a better position at work, I need to take part in this new project.

Listen to this example:

He studied diligently so as not to fail the exam.

In this example, the main clause is “He studied diligently,” and the subordinate clause introduced by “so as not to” is “not to fail the exam.”

So the phrase “So as not to” indicates the purpose or goal behind the action. That’s why he studied diligently.

Listen to some more examples:

She turned off the lights so as not to waste electricity.

I left early so as not to miss the train.

She woke up early so as to catch the first bus to work.

He saved money so as to buy a new car.

I took notes during the meeting so as to remember all the important details.

We set off early so as to avoid traffic on the highway.

They practised daily so as to improve their musical skills.

She turned off her phone so as not to be disturbed during the meeting.

He wore a hat so as not to get sunburned.

While “So as to” as well as “so as not to” are commonly used phrases, there are alternative expressions that convey similar meanings. These phrases can be used interchangeably. For example:

In order to: She woke up early so as to catch the first bus to work.

To avoid: He wore a hat to avoid getting sunburned.

To prevent: He wore a hat to prevent getting sunburned.

And simply: To: She woke up early to catch the first bus to work.

This is a very short episode focused on one particular phrase but I want you to really focus now and practice mindfully. Listen carefully, memorise the sentences and say them out loud. Later, complete the worksheet. It’s all specifically designed to improve your memory so don’t skip the Worksheet part. But first, the sentences. Here they come:

So as to have a better position at work, I need to take part in this new project.

He studied diligently so as not to fail the exam.

I left early so as not to miss the train.

She woke up early so as to catch the first bus to work.

He saved money so as to buy a new car.

I took notes during the meeting so as to remember all the important details.

We set off early so as to avoid traffic on the highway.

They practised daily so as to improve their musical skills.

She turned off her phone so as not to be disturbed during the meeting.

He wore a hat so as not to get sunburned.

There you go! Bow, download the Worksheet and practice some more, it’s in your inbox. If you aren’t a member of TOPeople download the worksheet from teacherola.com/199. 

Don’t forget to download Speaking Activator and join one of our groups. Go to teacherola.com/activator. 

Thank you for listening! I’ll see you next Wednesday! Happy learning. Take care! Stay fearless and say it out loud! Bye!