Hey there! This is TOP episode 198. From Oops to Fluency: Normalizing Mistakes

My name’s Ola and I’ve been teaching English for over a decade. I believe you can eliminate your language blockade, I’ve done that so you can too! You can speak English with more confidence, slay that fear and enjoy communication. 

Visit my website for full transcripts and worksheets to each episode. Visit my shop at teacherola.com and enjoy your journey to fluency! Happy learning!

Hello there! Thank you for choosing this podcast. Today, we’re speaking about one important piece of the solution to language blockade which is normalizing mistakes. Let’s learn why it’s crucial and what it might help you with. 

Many of us have experienced the fear of stumbling over words, mispronouncing phrases, or struggling to express ourselves correctly. These fears create a language blockade, slow down our progress and crush our self-confidence.

However, today, we’re here to shed light on a concept that can help us break through this blockade: normalizing mistakes. Mistakes are not failures, but rather valuable learning opportunities and this sounds cliche but hey, this is nothing but the truth. A cliche is a cliche for a reason, I always say that. It’s so liberating! Say it out loud: mistakes are not failures, but rather valuable learning opportunities.

Normalizing mistakes and how it can pave the way to greater fluency and self-confidence might be the one and only key to unlocking your potential. Another cliche, I know, but that’s just true. So get ready to break free from the fear of making mistakes, get ready to feel uncomfortable because you have to embark on this path. 

First of all, I have to ask you to listen t episode 167: Fixed Mindset. There we talk about talent for languages, fear of failure, coping mechanisms, vulnerability, being an expert, measurable goals, feedback as a personal attack, and other people’s success. Go there first because this will clarify many areas for you. Teacherola.com/167. Episode 167. 

Now we will discuss the benefits of embracing mistakes as valuable learning opportunities rather than failures and we’ll examine how normalising mistakes can reduce anxiety and boost self-confidence.

Normalizing mistakes requires a shift in perspective. You have to move away from a mindset that views mistakes as failures to one that perceives them as essential stepping stones on the path to fluency. Mistakes are natural and valuable parts of your journey. Of anyone’s journey. 

The moment you accept and love your mistakes you’ll see new opportunities. Mistakes provide valuable feedback that helps you identify areas for improvement, refine your language skills, and deepen your understanding of the language’s nuances. Each mistake becomes a chance to learn and grow, and grow faster. Much much faster than without speaking. You have to speak and you have to speak with many many many many many many many mistakes. The more the better. Trust me. 

The fear of making mistakes very often leads to anxiety and self-consciousness, and that stops you from freely expressing yourself in English. It cuts you off. Remember that the key to fluency is in your pocket. All you need you have. You just need to understand that when you start to see a mistake as an expected and necessary part of learning, the pressure disappears. It will reduce your anxiety and then you’ll feel more relaxed and ready to engage in conversations more confidently. Another tip to memorise: confidence is not fluency. You don’t need to wait for anything to be confident. Right? You don’t need perfect grammar, a vast vocabulary, or a set of go-to phrases. No, just speak with what you have. That’s what kids do. They use whatever they have, they make tons and tons and tons of mistakes. Oodles of mistakes and so what? And you look at them and say ‘wow, kids learn fast.’ Yeah, cause they make tons of mistakes. 

Shift the focus from the negative perception of failure to a positive outlook on progress. You have to realise that mistakes are not reflections of your abilities, but they show your willingness to push boundaries and explore the language. Testing, experimenting, trying how the phrases work, how grammar works that’s learning. With each mistake you make and correct your self-confidence grows. What happens next, is you become empowered to take risks. The more risks you take the more mistakes you make and the more learn. And then your confidence grows again. Do you see my point? It’s a sequence, you just need to start the sequence. 

Normalizing mistakes is easier if you start making them in a safe space. Well, it can slow things down or speed them up, it all depends on your situation. But if your fear is big, better to begin in a safe environment. People who make similar mistakes, people on a similar level. Yes, a group. You’ll feel comfortable taking risks and sharing your ideas without fear of judgment. As a bonus, you get a collaborative atmosphere, you see other people who have similar goals and similar problems. You learn from each other and support one another. The benefits are many so if you feel this message is to you go and find yourself a group. You’ll find them online, maybe in Facebook groups, or you can join one of my groups. 

Time to practice. Listen and repeat the sentences out loud. It also boosts your confidence so hear yourself and let’s go:

Mistakes are not failures, but rather valuable learning opportunities.

Normalizing mistakes requires a shift in perspective. 

Mistakes are natural and valuable parts of your journey.

Remember that the key to fluency is in your pocket. 

It will reduce your anxiety and then you’ll feel more relaxed.

Another tip to memorise.

You don’t need perfect grammar.

That’s what kids do. 

Oodles of mistakes.

Normalizing mistakes is easier if you start making them in a safe space.

There you go! now, download the Worksheet and practice some more, it’s in your inbox. If you aren’t a member of TOPeople download the worksheet from teacherola.com/198. 

Don’t forget to download Speaking Activator and join one of our groups. Go to teacherola.com/activator. 

Thank you for listening! I’ll see you next Wednesday! Happy learning. Take care! Stay fearless and say it out loud! Bye!