Hey there! This is TOP episode 197. Speaking Activator 1: FITNESS

My name’s Ola and I’ve been teaching English for over a decade. I believe you can eliminate your language blockade, I’ve done that so you can too! You can speak English with more confidence, slay that fear and enjoy communication. 

Visit my website for full transcripts and worksheets to each episode. Visit my shop at teacherola.com and enjoy your journey to fluency! Happy learning!

Hello there! Thank you for choosing this episode. Today, I have something exciting! We are starting a new series of episodes for a speaking activity. The idea is for you to listen to this podcast episode and get inspired. Once you’ve listened, talk to yourself out loud, whether it’s in front of a mirror, to your partner, your pet, or anyone who will listen. If you have a speaking partner, that’s even better! This way, you can practice speaking fluently with each other.

Now, let’s get to the task at hand. I want you to listen to the podcast episode and think about your answers. Then, speak out loud and answer the provided questions. Don’t worry if you’re alone; pretend that you’re speaking to someone you know well. I have prepared a list of ideas to guide you, so make sure you stay until the end of the episode to practice these sentences. This will help you build a strong foundation for your vocabulary and phrases related to the given topic, so you’ll feel more confident when speaking. 

Remember, practice speaking out loud to yourself during the podcast. Repeat the sentences in the practical part and then speak to your partner or yourself. Try speaking while doing household chores, walking, running, and commuting. Today’s topic is fitness, so let’s dive in and make the most of this speaking activity!

Before we begin, let’s clarify the order of this activity. This week, we will focus on the topic of fitness. I will provide you with some prompt ideas and questions to guide your speaking session. There are four steps to this activity. Let’s break it down. So, number one, make sure you understand the speaking task for the day. For the week. 

Number two, vocabulary. listen to the rest of the podcast episode and pay attention to the sample phrases and sentences related to the given topic. Number three, the practical part. Make sure you stay engaged until the end of the practical part. Listen to the sentences and repeat them out loud. Number four, speak. Once you have completed the podcast, pause it and start speaking out loud to yourself. 

Let’s recap, I want you to be crystal clear on what you have to do:

One. Catch the speaking task, memorize it.

Two. Vocabulary.

Three. Repeat the sentences after me. 

Four. Speak to yourself or to your partner. 

I am thrilled to share this exciting idea with you. The inspiration to create these speaking activators came from my group of students. Group lessons are something I truly enjoy. The group is divided into pairs, and the pairs get changed often during the 60-minute class so everybody is talking throughout the whole time with 5 other speakers all together and also take an active part in it.  

In a nutshell, I thought let’s somehow transfer this experience, this kind of speaking activity to the podcast. I was thinking about how I can make you speak more and build your confidence and the same time. So this is what it is and let me know what you think. If you’re interested in grabbing an example PDF of the speaking activator that I provide to my group students, please visit teacherola.com/activator and download it. In my groups, participants receive six activators, one for each class. I have a great gratitude for these classes, and I am so happy that I embarked on this project. Initially, I felt a mix of anxiety and doubt, but something inside me urged me to give it a try. Trust your intuition, as it often leads you in the right direction. Remember, you can find the activator at teacherola.com/activator.

The entire course consists of six classes, with six participants in each session. The upcoming course will take place on Fridays at 8 am. I invite you to join us today! Currently, there are only three spots remaining.

One. Catch the speaking task and memorize it.

Two. Vocabulary.

Three. Repeat the sentences after me. 

Four. Speak to yourself or to your partner. 

So let’s begin with the number one, your speaking task. After you finish listening to this podcast episode do this: 

Describe your daily fitness routine, including the exercises you engage in, the duration of each exercise, and the frequency of your workouts. Use descriptive language to explain the advantages and benefits of each exercise. 

Talk about your eating habits and how you uphold a healthy diet. Share details about your preferred nutritious foods, meal plans, and strategies for steering clear of unhealthy snacks.

Discuss the correlation between fitness and mental well-being. Explore how exercise assists you in managing stress, enhancing your mood, and fostering improved overall mental health.

Look, you have three main topics here. check out the transcript if you need to, it’s available at teacherola.com/197.  The three topics you are going to talk about this week include: one: daily fitness routine, two: eating habits and three: mental well-being. 

Let me repeat the task. Make sure you understand and remember it, feel free to use the transcript. This is your task:

Describe your daily fitness routine, including the exercises you engage in, the duration of each exercise, and the frequency of your workouts. Use descriptive language to explain the advantages and benefits of each exercise. 

Talk about your eating habits and how you uphold a healthy diet. Share details about your preferred nutritious foods, meal plans, and strategies for steering clear of unhealthy snacks.

Discuss the correlation between fitness and mental well-being. Explore how exercise assists you in managing stress, enhancing your mood, and fostering improved overall mental health.

How exciting! Let’s move on to part two, in which I’m going to give you some vocabulary that might come in handy. This is vocabulary associated with the topics of fitness, healthy diet and mental well-being. Here we go. Relax and listen. And bear in mind that this is not a true story but a fictional one created for the purpose of enhancing your vocabulary, okay? Let’s do it:

Each morning, I start with a refreshing jog in the nearby park. This aerobic exercise improves my endurance and boosts my energy levels.

After jogging, I head to the gym for strength training. I begin with squats, which target multiple muscle groups and enhance core stability. Then, I move on to bicep curls, isolating and sculpting my arm muscles. Push-ups are also part of my routine, working my chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Flexibility and balance exercises are important too. I practice yoga for improved flexibility, posture, and mental clarity. Lastly, I finish with a cooldown session, focusing on stretching to prevent muscle soreness and aid recovery.

Overall, my routine includes jogging, strength training with squats and bicep curls, push-ups for upper body strength, yoga for flexibility, and a cooldown with stretching. 

I really care about eating healthily. For breakfast, I love having a bowl of oats topped with fresh fruits and nuts to keep me energized. Lunch is all about colorful salads packed with greens, veggies, and lean protein. When it’s dinner time, I like to grill salmon or have tofu with some tasty whole grains like quinoa or brown rice. I always make sure to load up on veggies too, whether they’re steamed or roasted.

To keep me going throughout the day, I snack on nutritious stuff like fruits, nuts, and Greek yoghurt with a sprinkle of granola. Planning my meals ahead of time helps me stay on track and try out new recipes. 

By sticking to this approach, I feel great and have the energy to do what I love. It’s all about finding that balance between nourishing meals and avoiding unhealthy snacks. I believe in taking care of my body and making smart choices to support my health and fitness goals.

Let’s talk about how fitness and mental well-being go hand in hand. For me, exercise plays a significant role in managing stress, boosting my mood, and improving my overall mental health.

When life gets hectic and stress levels rise, I find solace in physical activity. Engaging in regular exercise helps me release tension and clear my mind. Whether it’s going for a run, practicing yoga, or hitting the gym, the physical exertion acts as a powerful outlet for stress. It allows me to channel my energy in a positive and productive way, leaving me feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Beyond stress relief, exercise has a remarkable impact on my mood. During workouts, my body releases endorphins, often referred to as “feel-good” hormones. These natural chemicals boost my mood, creating a sense of euphoria and overall well-being. Even after a short session of physical activity, I notice a positive shift in my mindset, feeling more upbeat and optimistic.

Moreover, regular exercise has proven to be an incredible tool for enhancing my overall mental health. It helps me combat feelings of anxiety and depression by promoting a sense of calm and improving self-esteem. Through exercise, I feel empowered, gaining a sense of accomplishment with each workout. This boosts my confidence and helps me maintain a positive mindset throughout the day.

In summary, the correlation between fitness and mental well-being is undeniable. Exercise acts as a stress reliever, boosts my mood through the release of endorphins, and contributes to improved mental health by enhancing self-esteem and overall positivity. 

I hope this whole text will inspire you and help you create your own stories. Remember the task, talk to yourself. Now you can listen again or gram the transcript and make your own note, or a list of vocabulary items that you might need. So part two is done, you have some vocabulary now so let’s move on to part three which is the practical part. Listen to these sentences and repeat them out loud. 

Each morning, I start with a refreshing jog in the nearby park.

I begin with squats, targeting multiple muscle groups.

Yoga is part of my routine, improving flexibility, posture, and mental clarity.

I really care about eating healthily.

Lunch is all about colorful salads packed with greens.

I feel great and have the energy to do what I love.

It’s all about finding that balance between nourishing meals and avoiding unhealthy snacks.

Exercise plays a significant role in managing stress.

Engaging in regular exercise helps me release tension and clear my mind.

Exercise has a remarkable impact on my mood.

There you go! But what now, well now, download the Worksheet and practice some more, it’s in your inbox. If you aren’t a member of TOPeople download the worksheet from teacherola.com/197. 

Don’t forget to download Speaking Activator and join one of our groups. Go to teacherola.com/activator. 

Last but not least speak to yourself. Think about the task I set at the beginning and talk to yourself. I’ll say the task again, here comes: 

Describe your daily fitness routine, including the exercises you engage in, the duration of each exercise, and the frequency of your workouts. Use descriptive language to explain the advantages and benefits of each exercise. 

Talk about your eating habits and how you uphold a healthy diet. Share details about your preferred nutritious foods, meal plans, and strategies for steering clear of unhealthy snacks.

Discuss the correlation between fitness and mental well-being. Explore how exercise assists you in managing stress, enhancing your mood, and fostering improved overall mental health.

Thank you for listening! I’ll see you next Wednesday! Happy learning. Take care! Stay fearless and say it out loud! Bye!