Hey there! This is TOP episode 188. RAISE or RISE?

My name’s Ola and I’m an English teacher. I believe you can eliminate your language blockade. You can speak English with more confidence, slay that fear and enjoy easy communication. 

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Hello there! Thank you for choosing this podcast! Today, we’re going to talk about the difference between the two verbs: ‘raise’ and ‘rise’.  

These verbs are often confused because both words describe upward movement and have similar spellings and pronunciations. Even native speakers confuse ‘raise’ and ‘rise’ so we are justified. 

Before we jump in, please let me invite you to my shop at teacherola.com where you can get access to English Live Classes with the materials, with homework and with audio files that will help you digest the vocabulary from ‘Wednesday’ by Netflix, ‘Modern Family’ on Disney+ and also ‘The Last Of Us’ from HBO. All English Live Classes are available at teacherola.com.

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Let’s begin with the verb forms. This verb is regular. Raise, raised, raised. ‘Raise’ must have an object, as it is a transitive verb. This is very very important, this is the clue of today’s episode. ‘Raise’ needs an object. You always raise something. Or in other words, something raises something. For example:

Raise your hand.

Raise your glass. 

The prices were raised by someone. 

Transitive verbs involve subjects acting upon objects.

Raise means “to lift or move something to a higher level” or “to increase”.

It can be also a noun though. The noun raise means “a higher level.” It appears most frequently in the phrase “pay raise.”

Raise’ can also act as a figurative verb. It often appears in idiomatic phrases like “raise children” or “raise a family.” Listen to these five example sentences with the word ‘raise’:

She will raise her hand to answer the question.

The company announced a raise in salaries for all employees.

The teacher’s feedback raised his confidence in his writing skills.

They will raise funds for the local charity by hosting a bake sale.

His promotion to manager raised his status in the company.


Listen now, ‘rise’ does not take an object, as it is an intransitive verb. It is a irregular verb as well; its three forms are rise, rose, risen.

The sun rises.

Hot air rises.

He was rising to the top of the charts

‘Rise’ means “to come or go upwards,” “to ascend to a higher level,” or “to increase in the amount or level or something.”

The clue is, it does not involve a direct object. Sun does it on its own, ok? If something rises, it means that it elevates itself – it goes up itself. No external force is needed to lift it. A few examples, just listen carefully:

The sun rises in the east.

She rose to the challenge and completed the difficult task.

The price of gasoline will rise next week due to a shortage.

The company’s profits have been rising steadily for the past few years.

Adam rose from his chair when Ana walked in.


It’s all truly confusing, but don’t despair, there’s a way. Memorie these two sentences:

We raise the flag when the sun rises, and we lower it when the sun goes down.

The helicopter rose into the air, raising the survivors out of the water.

One last thing. There is some confusion over the nouns ‘rise’ and ‘raise’ when talking about pay or salary. In British English, a (pay) rise is an increase in pay. In American English, the word is (pay) raise.

I received a pay rise after my performance review.

The company announced a pay raise for all employees.

Time to practice! Listen, retain and release. Say the sentences out loud. Here we go!

She will raise her hand to answer the question.

The company announced a raise in salaries for all employees.

The teacher’s feedback raised his confidence in his writing skills.

They will raise funds for the local charity by hosting a bake sale.

His promotion to manager raised his status in the company.

The sun rises in the east.

She rose to the challenge and completed the difficult task.

The price of gasoline will rise next week due to a shortage.

The company’s profits have been rising steadily for the past few years.

Adam rose from his chair when Ana walked in.

We raise the flag when the sun rises, and we lower it when the sun goes down.

The helicopter rose into the air, raising the survivors out of the water.

I received a pay rise after my performance review.

The company announced a pay raise for all employees.

And that’s it for today’s episode of the TOP. Go to your inbox and grab the worksheet to evaluate yourself by translating the sentences into English. And if you’re not a TOPeople member, just download the worksheet from teacherola.com/188. Join me next time. Don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast and follow it on social media. Thanks for listening! Take care! Stay fearless and say it out loud! Bye!