Hey there! This is TOP episode 277. Learn English With Robbie Williams ‘Angels’
Are you tired of lacking confidence when speaking English? Does it block you from achieving your true goals? This podcast is the place for you. This is Teacher Ola Podcast. My name’s Ola Mierniczak and I empower English learners to become confident speakers. The key to fluency is in your pocket. You’ll boost your vocabulary, brush up your grammar and improve your pronunciation. Enjoy your journey to fluency!
Hello hello and welcome back to the podcast! Music is such a powerful tool for language learners—it’s emotional, memorable, and full of real-life expressions. In this lesson, we’ll break down some lines from a beautiful song. I’ll give you quick examples you can use right away. So, let’s go!
But before we begin, I need to tell you that If you struggle with using the vocabulary you think you know I’ve got something for you. Do you know this feeling when you know the words and phrases when you hear them but by no means can you come up with them when they are needed? Well, that means these words are in your passive vocabulary storage, it’s good news! All you gotta do now is… activate that! That’s exactly what I teach in my free video training and you can watch it right now. Go to teacherola.com/heath or click on the link in the description and watch it. Go to teacherola.com/health. In that video I also talk about SIOL program because you can sign up now. The doors close on Wednesday 29 of January. Inside the program you learn vocabulary the right way, but also you get to speak! That’s Speaking Club, it’s part of the course and it does wonders! But now let’s get back to the episode.
Let’s take a closer look at nine phrases from “Angels” by Robbie Williams:
One. ‘Cause I have been told
Present Perfect: “I have been told”
The present perfect tense is used to describe something that happened in the past but is still relevant now.
I have been told that this is the best restaurant in town.
Have you been told about the meeting tomorrow?
Two. So when I’m lying in my bed
The verb “lying” is often paired with prepositions like “in” (for a location) or “on” (for a surface).
She’s lying in the hammock, enjoying the sun.
The cat was lying on the sofa all afternoon.
Three. Thoughts running through my head
Idiomatic expression: “running through my head”
This phrase is a figurative way to describe having many thoughts or ideas on your mind. It’s common in informal speech.
I had so many thoughts running through my head before the exam.
That song keeps running through my head all day!
Four. And through it all she offers me protection
“Through it all” means “despite everything”. It’s used to show persistence or support in difficult situations.
Through it all, they remained best friends.
Five. A lot of love and affection, whether I’m right or wrong”
Phrase: “whether…or…”
This construction shows contrast or covers two possibilities. For example:
I’ll support you whether you win or lose.
Whether it’s sunny or rainy, we’re going hiking.
Six. And down the waterfall, wherever it may take me.
Phrase: “wherever it may take me”
This phrase is about embracing the unknown and being open to any outcome. It’s a poetic way to describe life’s unpredictability.
Wherever life takes you, make the most of it.
She followed her dreams, wherever they took her.
Seven. I know that life won’t break me
Phrase: “won’t break me”
This metaphorical phrase means “life won’t defeat or overwhelm me.” It’s used to express resilience and determination.
No matter how hard it gets, it won’t break me.
Losing the game didn’t break her; it made her stronger.
Now, let;s practice!
I have been told that this is the best restaurant in town.
Have you been told about the meeting tomorrow?
The cat was lying on the sofa all afternoon.
I had so many thoughts running through my head before the exam.
That song keeps running through my head all day!
Through it all, they remained best friends.
I’ll support you whether you win or lose.
Whether it’s sunny or rainy, we’re going hiking.
Wherever life takes you, make the most of it.
No matter how hard it gets, it won’t break me.
Don’t forget to download a free worksheet that will summarise and help you memorise today’s episode. You’ll find it in your inbox or if you’re new here please go to teacherola.com/277.
Also! The Vocabulary Class that took place a few days ago was recorded so you can watch it now. Sign up at teacherola.com/health. In that lesson you will learn vocabulary chunks but also HOW to learn vocabulary. Teacherola.com/health.
Thank you so much for listening. I’ll see you in the next episode!
I believe in you, I know you can speak English with fluency IF you really want it! Stay fearless, take care and say it out loud! I’m your teacher, Teacher Ola, and you were listening to Teacher Ola Podcast. Bye for now.